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Stacy 2008-10-23 13:06:26.0
Beautiful pictures! I'm so glad things went smoothly. Hope looks like such a big girl. I cannot believe how much these little ones have changed in six months! She's such a little trooper, it breaks my heart. Love, love, love
Josephine Vennewald 2008-10-22 18:12:47.0
Dear Amy & Darin, Thank you for letting me in to your beautiful lives. God really knew what he was doing when he brought you & Hope together. Reading your webpage & viewing your photos, is like recieving a gift. Enjoy every precious moment. Mr. & Mrs.Vennewald
Stacy, Steven, Ady and Brie 2008-10-19 07:57:41.0
Hi Little Hope! We will be thinking of you and Mama and Baba tomorrow, and although we are confident that this speed bump will not slow you down for long-we wish you luck and a quick recovery. We love you and can't wait to see you again soon! The Roths
brooke and mark 2008-10-18 08:07:57.0
these stories are what life is all about ... i read these updates and smile ear to ear Amy. our power, love and prayers are with you ALL ... (always!), but esp monday. and i am SURE that Hope will be running even faster with her cast on than all of us combined - we LOVE you guys!!! xoxoxo
Cynthia Aromando Russo 2008-10-02 09:36:06.0
First let me wipe the tears of joy from my eyes! Wow, Amy, you are an amazing person. Adoption is so rewarding and needed in this day and age. Your family is absolutely beautiful. You are truly blessed, as I am sure you already know. I hope someday to get together with you, 20 years is way too long to not see one another. If you can make the reunion, I know so many of your high school friends would love to see you. Well enjoy the beautiful Fall season with your precious family and next trip to Hershey, I am at your door. Hubby, 3 kids and all...HA HA HA. We just had our third child, August 22, Mia Fay Russo. She is a sweet little angel . Michael (6) and Matthew (3) love their new little sister. Lets stay in touch. Your old Friend, Cynthia
Katie (Feller) Koep 2008-10-02 07:05:15.0
What a beautiful story.. about your sweet girl, Hope. All of your children are precious! It was fun reading through your blog about your recent life's journeys. -- I have 3 children (ages 11, 10, and 8/ boy, girl, boy) and we live in the midwest now. (south dakota). I, too, am a stay at home mom - also homeschooling all three of my kiddos. I won't be back in NJ in time for the reunion, unfortunately, since we are coming for Thanksgiving. Blessings to you and your beautiful family, Amy!
Stacy 2008-09-18 18:07:23.0
Happy Birthday Little One! We miss and love you oodles! May this be the first of 100+ that you spend surrounded by people who love you! Hugs and Kisses from NY
Brooke and Mark Cantone-DeFilippo :-) 2008-08-28 08:56:18.0
Your children are the cutest things i have EVER seen ... those classic Stone Harbor shots at sunset are my favorite (esp with the new addition). xoxo
Stacy 2008-08-26 18:42:19.0
Oh, Amy...Those pictures are astounding and your family looks so wonderfully happy. What a gorgeous crew. Lucky us. Lucky you. We miss you TERRIBLY! and cannot wait to see you in NYC. Soon! p.s. Not to contradict you, but I think Hope has always been faster than you and Darin! I may have seen her out run you on several occasions in China! Ha ha
Stacy 2008-08-26 18:42:05.0
Oh, Amy...Those pictures are astounding and your family looks so wonderfully happy. What a gorgeous crew. Lucky us. Lucky you. We miss you TERRIBLY! and cannot wait to see you in NYC. Soon! p.s. Not to contradict you, but I think Hope has always been faster than you and Darin! I may have seen her out run you on several occasions in China! Ha ha