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Sharon Rowley 2008-04-28 02:36:04.0
I am so happy to hear how well it is going for you. Hope is an amazing little girl! I will try to call you sometime this week to chat- funny how we had so much time pre-trip and now I can't even find 5 minutes for myself!
kellie kring 2008-04-26 23:36:06.0
How exciting!!!!!! I have enjoyed seeing her precious little face. She would be a perfect playmate for our Luke! Congradulations!!!
Stacy Roth 2008-04-18 15:50:46.0
CALL ME! 516-208-8020
Stacy Roth 2008-04-18 15:50:34.0
CALL ME! 516-208-8020
Lisen 2008-04-15 06:25:16.0
Welcome Home! I loved following your blog during your trip. As you settle in and learn some great tricks-of-the-trade for life w/ 5 young kids, I'd love to hear about your experience. We'll be going from 3 to 5 this summer, all under 8.5 y.o. and I'm a little nervous. Happy homecoming and CONGRATULATIONS!! Lisen, fellow Xinfu AP
Sue Wild in St. Louis 2008-04-14 18:26:27.0
Amy and Darren, What an incredible journey of "Hope", Love and Joy! Congratulations on the arrival of Hope into your loving family. God bless you. Amy-please keep the blogs least for a year.
Kelli Gebert 2008-04-14 12:34:19.0
Aww.. Im so happy for you all! She fits in PERFECT. You have 5 precious children. I cant wait to meet my new cousin. Love you all<3
Audi 2008-04-14 03:34:02.0
Yea! You all look so happy! She does fit in beautifully! Congrats again! We are so happy for you. Can't wait to see you at Starbuck! Love Audi
cara ford 2008-04-13 06:49:50.0
hope is so pretty she is the luckest girl in the world see you soon.
cara ford 2008-04-13 06:49:48.0
hope is so pretty she is the luckest girl in the world see you soon.