"If you believe in a God who controls the  big things, you have to believe in a God who controls the little things.  It is we, of course to who things look "little" or "big".  Elisabeth Elliot

Our TA arrive on Thursday, December 9, 2010.  It didn't arrive with a surprising phone call because I knew it was coming.  I had phoned our agency on Monday asking if they had any info and they had already called CCAA to inquire and were told that it was on it's way.  (AAC is so good)  So our week was spent checking out airfare, hotels and all that good stuff.  There were so many factors to consider as we contemplated travel.  We requested our Consulate Date and received our 1st choice Jan 4th but on Friday decided to request the following week because the airfare was so expensive so we should hear something this morning and if all goes well we should be leaving on December 31st.  While I would love to be on a plane today to our Joshua, there is so much to be done to prepare to go and this week is going to be a hectic with finals and last week of school type things therefore, I am thrilled to have 2 weeks of not working to prepare for the journey as well as 2 weeks of uninterrupted time with Cody, Grace and Emily before we leave.  It will be a crazy three weeks and I am already "running around like a chicken with my head cut off" but I just keep telling myself that somehow, someway with God taking care of the "little and big" things it will all get accomplished and on Dec. 31st I will be on a plane heading across the world to my son.

"Glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope."  Ephesians 5:20


TA IS HERE! 2010-12-13 04:00:49.0