April Activities · May 06, 2008

Whew!  What a month!  April was so busy and filled with so many new milestones for Jenna!  At the beginning of April her first tooth popped through-on the bottom.  Now she has a top tooth coming through any day now and quite possibly the other top tooth.  Where is that other bottom front tooth?  I thought those came in first but she is proving me wrong!  She is now crawling!!  She started this the day after her 1st birthday-she was well on her way before that and now she is everywhere!  Jeff said she's wearing him out!  She also heads to the dog food everyday-I figure she'll be sampling it before too long.  She tries to pull her self up and makes it to her knees.  However, with all of this new found mobility, bed time is much different and frustrating!  As soon as we lay her down, she flips over and sits up, cries then plays.  Um, hello, it's bedtime not playtime-not sure what to do with that.  I go back in there once or twice and lay her back down, eventually she must run out of energy and she is tired so I don't know why she does that-just being contrary-imagine that! ha! 

She is trying to talk and is quite the chatterbox.  She did look at Jeff and said DaDa one day-I was so excited but Jeff (ever so optimistic-Hi Sweetie!) said, "just a coincidence" but I think she's putting things together-my smart little girl!  She says, "Ka" and I try to get her to finish out "Cade" but I'm officially saying she can say her brother's name-did I mention she's a smart girl?  Other words, "ma" for more, Ti-ger for tiger-yes she said it and I'm not the only one that heard it after her birthday party-I'm claiming it and will be sending her application to Harvard.  And she said it twice-hasn't said it since but that's beside the point!  She talks a lot-I just haven't figured out what she's saying just yet.  She also yells now especially if you take something away from her for any reason-and last night I thought it had a sort-of Asian ring to me for some reason-I must have heard someone talking with the same inflection as her yelling when we were in China, I don't know.

Food-she eats a lot of our food.  She's had kiwi (she would do a full body shiver when she ate a bite then open her mouth for more), dressing, mashed potatoes, jello, meatloaf, assortment of beans, rice, peas, canned mandarin oranges, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries(not a big fan yet), cake, ice cream, snow cone (too cold), nutrigrain bars(loves), gerber graduate meat sticks-like vienna sausages (YUCK-that's from me, she loves them), chicken/rice casserole, boxed mac & cheese(doesn't like the baby food ones), eggs, ravioli (gerber graduates), carrots, baby apples, baked potato, sweet potato.  I love that she will try anything.  Oh and her very favorite thing is that "Oh baby" yogurt-I think it's called that.  She devours that and if you stop she yells!  She's on whole milk now-no more formula-yea! But, good grief, have you priced a gallon of whole milk recently??  It's more expensive that the healthier low-fat milk-that doesn't make sense, everyone knows the healthier foods cost more.

Jenna is doing fantastic in daycare and loves her teachers.  Every once in awhile she'll fuss/cry when I leave but it's very short.  She still has the stranger anxiety going on but she'll warm up to people she knows fairly quickly.

She did get her helmet, you'll see in the pictures.  She is doing fantastic and we are doing the 23 hours a day now.  She'll wear it for 4-6 months.  Nighttime was a little hard at first, but she never woke up more than twice in the night.  She wakes up once now but I think that tooth has a lot to do with it.  I have found it amazing at the number of people that just openly stare at her and will even turn around to stare.  I fully expected it out of kids and when it's them, it's quite cute because they will stop in their tracks, no matter what they are doing.  The adult strangers I just ignore, but I think it has shocked Cade. He's very sensitive to these things and doesn't want anyone to make fun of Jenna because of her helmet.  How sweet.

But, the rose-colored glasses are coming off of Cade in regard to his sister.  He gets frustrated with her when she is "noisy" when he's playing, watching tv, etc.  One day Jeff walked in (granted in was in the evening when Cade can go into melt-down mode from being so tired) and Cade was making a mean face at Jenna because he couldn't hear the tv because she was being so noisy!  He also absolutely does not like it if he has to go to bed before her-that is just unacceptable and he will ask 10 times, "when's Jenna going to bed?"  However, he is still a wonderful big brother.  He plays with her, watches her when we're doing stuff, makes her laugh when she starts fussing-he's just really good with her!

Cade is doing great in soccer and we'll be signing him up for a few camps this summer.  He is ready for school to be out-me too!  Last Friday the daycare called me and Cade had knocked his tooth out playing a version of baseball with some sort of large ball-the bat bounced back and hit him in the mouth-thankfully it was a baby tooth!  He has a nice bruise on his mouth too.

Jenna turned one in April, as most of you know and we had a party with just family and a few close friends at the park in Whitehouse-I think it turned out really nice.

I'm going to make a separate folder to put pictures of my cakes in, I'm sure some of you are not really visiting our website to see pictures of cakes-haha.  But if you are interested, then you can just go to the cake folder.

1 of 20 photos
Playin' with my toys, waitin' on my food
Please check for April part 2-needed more room for pictures! wow!