Hope's shower!! · March 07, 2008

Here are some pictures from the beautiful shower that my great friends gave me on Wednesday.  There were so many thoughtful and beautiful gifts- and I thanks all of the friends and family that came- from the bottom of my heart.  Our sweet girl is so loved already.......

we can't wait to see her in the gorgeous clothes, snuggling with her new blankie, and playing with her new dolls.....XOXOXOXOOX

party favors!!
beautiful table!!
So Cute!!
Chinese Madame Alexander doll
cute shoes!!!
cuddly bunny
hope's dolly!
The greatest T-shirts ever!!!!!
my invitation
Michelle, Me, Robyn,Summer and Lauren
Grandma signing my bautiful picture for Hope
Thank you again to all of you!! You put a very bright spot in my week of waiting!!!