An Interesting Reaction, Nov.07 · November 07, 2007
The other night Gracie and I were looking at on-line photos, she loves to look at her friend Dah Dah (as she calls her) from the SWI she was at.  She can always pick Dah Dah out of any picture.  In some of the pictures from the SWI there were also pictures of the directors and nannies.  She looked at everything very close finally she called them mommy and wanted to hug them.  I didn't know what to do as she's not done that in months.  Finally she looked at the picture and said mommy then looked at me and patted my chest and said "my mommy" I knew then that she got it!!  A pretty smart cookie.  I grabbed her and huggd and kissed her and she giggled and glggled.  She is so funny and loves for her daddy to chase her around the house.  Her favorite thing to do with Bubba is for him to hold her up to the ceiling fan (I can't hardly watch that one).  Life is such an adventure with Gracie, she truly is a special child!!
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