Summer Fun!! · June 30, 2008

HI all! It's been awhile since I have updated--with school out, swim team starting, baptisms, ballet recitals and a China reunion- things have been busy around here!!

Firstly- Hope is doing so wonderfully- she is learning English at an amazing clip and has really blended very seamlessly in with our family. She still has some control issues (it has to be her way!!) but I think we just have a very strong-willed little girl!! I also think that it is her way of handling her new surroundings. All in all- she is incredible- and I cannot believe that we absolutely love this girl more and more every day- I did not think that that was possible!!

We had Hope's Baptism the beginning of this month- and had a blast afterwards with a pool party-she loved every minute! Hope also attended her Big sister's ballet recital, and she was captivated!! I think that we have a dancer on our hands- I truly have not seen her sit that still since she has been home- it was sooo cute! Ever since, she has insisted on dressing up in our ballet dress up clothes like her big sisters!!

Lastly- we had a mini-reunion this past weekend with some of the familys that we travelled with to China. We were lucky enough to host the Roth's, Rowley's, Portee's and even meet up with Disa's family at Hersheypark (they are waiting to travel to get their little girl). We had so much fun- starting with a pizza party on Friday w/ the Rowley family- between our two families- we have 10 kids!!  They played beautifully and Hope loved seeing Charlotte (Yang Fei)- she has talked about her alot since her adoption as they were at the same orphanage in Wuxi. The Roths arrived later friday night with thier beautiful girls Adyson and Sabria- and they were a delight!! We stayed up w/ Steve and Stacey entirely too late---laughing, talking and reminicsing about our experiences. Saturday we all went to Hersheypark- and stayed until a downpour forced everyone out!! We then came back to our house for a BBQ- and the kids had a blast on a blowup waterslide that we had set up!! The Portee's came in that night with beautiful Willow- who is now walking!! 

It was sooo heartwarming to see these families again- and to see the difference in all of our children- the light that is in their eyes, replacing the fear that we saw in China! The feisty spirit that they all display, and the warmth and love that is shown to them through their incredible families is something that makes me smile when I think of it.  It is so obvious that these little spirits have brought so much to their new families--they are all so cherished. Darrin and I also feel so lucky that we not only got to adopt an amazing little girl in China- but we got the privlege of getting to know these families!! We are already planning our next meeting!!!

So that's our busy start to summer in a nutshell!! Next up is a beach trip in July, and a big move to our new home in August!! So that should keep us busy!!

Here are some pics of what we have been up to..........

Love to you all------enjoy the summer sun   XXOXOXOOX

The Dinello Seven!

Daddy and Hope snuggling...
Baptism day!!
The whole family
Hope and her God mother Amy
Aunt Kathy, Hope and Mom
The beautiful cake that Amy Rech ordered--note the ladybug!!
I'm soooooo cool!
beautiful ballerinas!!
relaxing summer days...
nothing like sniffin' my brothers feet!
The Xingfu reunion!!!
Our backyard fun!!
Darrin and Steve Rowley- our heroes!!
Hope slipppin' and sliding!!
Steve, Sharon and Stacy
Caroline and Brie- best buddies
The girls--Charlotte,Lily,Hope and Adyson
Hope and Willow