She's Here!!!! · March 31, 2008

Well this is the moment that you all have been waiting for- Hope is finally in our arms- and now firmly sealed in our hearts!

The morning started w/ a bus ride to the civil affairs office- we got ushered into a room- and before we could sit down, the nannies were walking in with the babies. Hope was the 3rd one coming in and Darrin spotted her first. Let's just say that this was one of the hardest thirty minutes that I think that either of us ever have experienced. She cried longer and harder than any of the children. Her caregiver was sobbing- so was I and Darrin. Every time she would spot someone Chinese she would hold her little arms out- there was a point there that I could have just handed her back to the sobbing caregiver and said- please take her- it's ok- just make her happy again!! Then her big sister stepped in and saved the day. Hannah was the only one that could even calm her a little- she would reach for her when Darrin or I was holding her- so we let her- and I think that it was the best thing for Hannah- she loved how special that made her feel!!

Then.....she passed out cold. Sooo we caught our breath and were able to oohh and ahhh over how beautiful and perfect she was. She has the most gorgeous face, and the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen- she is an absolute doll. So she had to be woken up to take a family picture for the Chinese Government- and then she cried a little less- then she discovered we had food for her..Honey Nut Cheerios- she has then loved us ever since!!  We got back to the room- she saw all the great toys waiting for her- and within 10 minutes was smiling- then within a half an hour- she was all out laughing!! She is so incredibly smart I almost cannot believe it! She can open and close and do all the stacking cups in the right order- methodically until she gets it right. She has to unzip her purse herself and won't let you help- and if something- like her cheerios or cookies drop- she picks them up opens the container and puts them right back where they belong! She's brilliant I tell you!! Reminds me so much of Caroline in how she likes the order of things!!

I have pictures following-which is what you really care about- my beauty is sleeping peacefully right now- in the bed- I found out she doesn't like the crib- Oh well! The princess will get what the princess wants!! She definitely is favoring me right now- will give cheerios to Darrin but will not let him hold her yet- we know that by the end of the trip she will be wrappped around his finger!!

Love to all- I am going to cuddle next to my new daughter- enjoy her beauty- and also...note the three layers of clothes that she came in!!!

Love and hugs- Darrin, Amy &  Hannah- proud parents and sister to an angel of a baby girl!!

1st sight of hope
big sister to the rescue!
w/ hope's nanny
bottle did the trick...
happy family
playing w/ new toys
cute as a button..
all of the clothes she was wearing
feeding mommy cookies!