HE'S HERE!!!!! · May 25, 2009

Well--what a day!!!


We have our darling boy--and we could not be more blessed!!! He is an absolute doll--sweet, cuddly, smiling, beautiful little boy!! He has not cried once--and has eaten two bottles in the two hours we have had him! Darrin had him belly laughing within 20 minutes!!

He is tiny--probably the size of a ten month old! He is crawling and will walk while holding my hands--I have a feeling he will walk with a little more muscle in his little legs! He is just beyond perfect and we are so in love!!

We know you want pics--so here they are!! He is wonderful--we are so lucky!!!

We will post more later--we just wanted to make sure you saw our bundle of joy!!

On our way to meet little brother!!
front of the building!
sign on building--means "Happiness"--Xingfu (Homeland families will get this significance!)
patiently (not!) waiting!
Our first glimpse!
sweet sweating baby!!
He loves his Baba!!!
Happy sister!
loving his bottle!
with one of the nannies
belly laughs!!
Daddy's boy!
whew--what a day!
all clean and slick---lying with Daddy!