Today we made it official.  He's ours!  In 24 hours we have found out a lot about Sutton. 

The main thing that we are surprised by is that he is not a little baby.  He weighs 20 lbs.  That's two pounds more than Layne weighed when we adopted her, and she was five months older.  He wears 12 months in American clothes.  Bobby says he's our little buddha.  He is already planning all the sports he will play.

He loves to suck on his fingers.  In the orphanage, they made him wear mittens all the time because he sucks his fingers raw.  Last night I heard him all night sucking on his fingers.

He is a happy baby.  Since the initial two hours, he has hardly cried.  He talks, babbles, and smiles all the time.  He could barely take his bottle today for talking.

We also were told today that the orphanage did take Sutton for surgery, but thank goodness, the surgeon refused.  He said he didn't have the skills to repair a lip and palate as severe as Sutton's and his surgery needed to be done in the US.

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Sutton wouldn't eat last night, so this morning was his first bottle. I was terrified to feed him because the orphanage had us make the hole in the nipple huge. He did great though
Layne and Sutton are both sleeping already.  They have both had a lot of excitement these last few days.  I do have to share something funny that Layne asked me today.  This morning we were sitting on the bed with Sutton and she looked at me with a very worried expression on her face.  She said, "Mom, he doesn't have a brain, does he?"  She was very relieved when I assured her that he does.