Backyard fun and an update on Brea's tummy troubles · October 01, 2009

I got a call from Brea's pediatrician's office with the results from the stool study.  They did not find any blood in the stool and all of the other tests (parasites, different types of bacterias) were all negative!  It seems that she has and has had a tummy virus.  No one else in our house has had it so it must be a virus that she was not able to fight off due to her low immune system.  The bad news is that the symptoms can last up to 21 days!  The good news is that we are already in week three of the tummy troubles so it should be coming to an end shortly.  She has been able to gain back a few ounces so that is encouraging.  She is acting like a normal four year old and it hasn't slowed her down a bit so we are praying that she is on the mend!

The tempatures here are wonderful...mid 80s at noon and in the 70s in the evenings!  The summers here are brutal BUT the fall and winters can't be beat.  Yesterday we spent the day outside playing.  There were two beautiful orange butterflies visiting our flowers in the backyard and the girls were absolutely fascinated with them!  They tried so hard to stand still so the butterflies would come close (and hopefully land on them) but the giggles got the best of them and they were off and running!  Up until yesterday Bailey has been afraid to go near the slide but after watching Brea go down a few times she decided that it was time to give it a try.  After going down once she was hooked and went down at least fifty more times!  She even tried to go down head first until I stopped her.  She is a little dare devil!   Her language skills are really coming along!  She is understanding almost everything we say to her.  She loves french fries (something I'm sure she had never had before) and dips them in ketchup like a pro!  Brea introduced her to the dress up box today and she loved it!  They are the best of friends and their laughter is absolute music to my ears!  Some days I have to pinch myself to be sure that my life is real.  I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined that I would be blessed with four children and a husband like Danny.  Thank you God!

First day of dance! Stretch!!!
Our beautiful ballerina!
First day of tap class!
Sweet Bailey!
Brooke, Bailey and Baker watching Brea in her dance class
Our little tap dancer!
The girls "reading" together
Brea on her first day on 4 year old preschool - September 2009
Brea with her school bag. The preschool makes these for each student and Brea was so pleased that she was able to recognize her name on her bag!
My little sweetheart!
Backyard fun!
Togetherness...a wonderful thing!
The curious climber!
Look who can slide all by herself!
Having fun!
Big brother took a moment to stop and play with the girls in the sandbox.
Our princess Brookie!