A silver lining... · March 08, 2008

I finally heard back from Brea's transplant cardiologist with answers to my questions about her biopsy.  He says that it is possible that Brea's recent illnesses (colds and ear infections) could have contributed to her having a 1A biopsy result.  He also told me that a 1A could mean that they have struck a fine balance between supressing Brea's immune system just enough that her little body doesn't  reject her heart yet it is still able to fight off other illnesses. 

As for the Heartsbreath test...he says that it is not effective on children under the age of 16.  He did tell me that they have been using a test on Brea called the Allomap and they will continue to use it at each of her visits.  Like the Heartsbreath test, the Allomap should detect any rejection in between biopsies. 

Dr. Carboni also told me that having a 1A biopsy result does not necessarily mean that her next biopsy will be a higher grade than this one.  Brea could very well have a grade zero biopsy next time. 

I am feeling much better about her results but would still very much appreciate you keeping her (and us) in your prayers.  When we first got the results I felt as if I had been hit by a train.  I was in shock and scared but as the days pass I realize that this is just a small bump in the road.  Brea has overcome much more than a less than perfect biopsy result and she will over come this too!  God is so much bigger than science and my faith is in Him!  So, I've decided that instead of worrying and being upset about a 1A result we are going to consider it a silver lining in the cloud!