The winter bug has bitten Brea again! · February 10, 2008

Brea has been sick AGAIN!  She was perfectly fine on Friday but Saturday morning she woke up and just wasn't acting like herself.  She had been awake on and off all night but was easily comforted and went back to sleep.  She didn't have a fever so I just thought maybe she was having bad dreams but when she slept in on Saturday morning and then got up and just wanted to cuddle and be held I knew something was wrong.  I called the doctor and took her in right away.  They took one look in her little ears and said she had a double ear infection.  After a quick throat swab they came back in and told me she also had strep throat.  I was shocked...she hasn't had a fever and certainly had not complained about her ears or throat!  The doctor was shocked too because she said her ears looked pretty bad and her throat was pretty yucky.  We got her started on the antibiotics right away and she slept the majority of the day Saturday and all night Saturday night.  She woke up Sunday morning and announced that she was "all better".  She was a different child all day Sunday and I knew she was feeling better when she pulled her sister off my lap and screamed "MY MOMMA".  Needless to say, when she stripped her clothes off and ran through the house screaming "Weee" I knew we were on the up hill swing!  We still have 8 more days on the antibiotic and I am praying that she can stay well for her heart biopsy on the 21st. 

I recently learned of a little girl (newly adopted from China) who has had open heart surgery at Duke Children's Hospital in Durham where Brea is seen.  Her recovery has been a bumpy road and I'd like to ask you to pray for her.  Her name is Claire.  When Brea was in the hospital in Little Rock there were so MANY people who dropped in to say hello and to let me know they were praying for me.  I'm sure at times I looked dazed, lost, confused and overwhelmed but their visits are something I will never forget.  It was nice to see someone who was not in scrubs and it was nice to know that there were so many people praying for Brea.  Many of them brought me books, magazines, goodies to snack on and even home cooked meals and I can't begin to tell you how special that was to me.  Since I am going to be at Duke on the 21st I am going to check in with Claire's mom.  I had the chance to talk with her via email over the weekend and they do not live in the area so I thought this would be a way to "pay it forward" like so many of you did for me in our greatest time of need.  Brea will be in the cath lab long enough for me to stop in and see her, drop off some snacks and magazines and let her know that we are praying for Claire.  I hope it will bring her as much comfort as it did me.

Here are a few pictures that I thought you might enjoy.  They were taken during our trip to Charlotte to celebrate Christmas with my family.  I've been meaning to post them but with the kids out of school and a sick baby...well, there just never seems to be enough hours in the day!  Enjoy!



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Brooke, Brea, Baker and Patrick (our great nephew) opening gifts at Aunt Tina's house in Charlotte
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