WE HAVE LOA!!! · May 29, 2009

If you read yesterdays post you already know that I was feeling a little down because we had not received our LOA yet.  Well, today that all changed!  I got a call from our agency this afternoon telling us that our LOA had arrived at their office today!  When I saw the name and number on the caller ID I thought our social worker was calling to go over some paperwork that we needed to fill out while waiting on the LOA.  NOT SO!  When I answered the phone she said "I have your LOA"!  Boy was I surprised.  I had convinced myself that it would be at least another month before we would hear anything and I even told friends that I didn't think we would travel before Fall because we missed out on this months round of LOAs.  I've never been so happy to be wrong!!!  When I hung up the phone with our agency I tried to call Danny and realized that he was on a plane flying home from Trey's funeral.  I left him a message and he called me when he landed. 

We didn't have much planned for this weekend and that is a good thing since we will now be spending the weekend filling out the immigration documents that will be sent in with the LOA.  Our agency thinks we will receive travel approval sometime over the next 6 weeks and we could possibly travel by the end of July or early August.  It is looking more and more likely that Bailey might just get to take that dip in the pool this summer afterall!

Goodnight from rainy Wake Forest, NC where two happy parents are one step closer to completing their family tonight.