Little Rock, here we come!

Brea and I are headed out for Little Rock in the morning.  Her appointment is Wednesday morning.  Brea will be having a check up with her transplant doctor, an echocardiogram, an EKG and some blood work.  Hopefully we will be back on the road again by Wednesday afternoon.  Please pray for good news and for an uneventful trip.  My tire troubles are still fresh in my mind so I'm a little nervous but I know that prayer is a mighty powerful thing!

The words "There is no place like home" are so true!  I have really enjoyed being home.  I forgot how comforting things like petting a furry friend could be.  I missed the sounds of kids playing in the yard, the smell of fresh cut grass and the joy of visiting with neighbors.  Even at Brea's young age she seems to really understand how special it is to be home too.  Old toys are once again new to her, having her sister and brother here are a special treat after missing them for so long and being able to go outside and blow bubbles is the icing on the cake!  

We've heard from so many people who have wanted to tell us how our experience has touched them and I want to share a couple of those stories with you.  One family decided on donating their child's organs after her unexpected death partly because they had been following Brea's story.  They will never know how many lives they saved.  Another person shared with us that someone had read the post that said we were really missing being at our church and it made this person wonder what it was about our church that made us feel this way.  She hadn't been attending church regularly and didn't really miss it but she decided that she wanted to find a church that made her feel the way we felt about ours and her quest for a new church home began.  Hearing these stories has somehow made our experience seem a whole lot less painful.  No, I would never have chosen to go through what we have been through but I am so happy to know that God is using our experience to touch people and change lives. 

As I tucked my children into bed tonight I couldn't help but feel like the luckiest woman alive.  I have been blessed with a loving husband, three beautiful children and the freedom to worship God!  Thank you Lord for these gifts.  I am blessed, truly blessed beyond measure.

Goodnight from home...for one more night.