October 20th · October 21, 2006

Passports and Airplanes!

Brea and the other babies in our travel group received their Chinese passports today.  We were scheduled to go on a tour of the ancient city wall this morning but instead we had to hang out at the police station and wait for the passports to be finished.  We left there and went straight to the airport to catch our flight to Guangzhou. 

We were worried that Brea would be afraid of the flight and would cry for the entire two hour flight.  She did great!  We landed in Guangzhou late and arrived at the White Swan Hotel well after dinner time. 

As we waited for our guide to check everyone into the hotel we were treated to a violin concert by one of the children in our travel group.  Harmony is 8 years old and is traveling with her mom, dad and sister to adopt her baby brother Noah.  Noah is from the same orphanage as Brea.  Harmony played "Amazing Grace" beautifully and it was a real treat to for all of us longing to hear some sounds of home. 

Everyone was exhausted from the long day of "hurry up and wait" so we ordered in and called it an early night. 

We can't wait to explore Shamian island tomorrow after the babies have their medical exams.

Good night from Guangzhou!

"So, this is what we've been waiting all week for?"
"Hmmm...I wonder what this thing taste like?"
Xian Airport
Our Xian guide Julie with Brea and Mary
Our travel group at the Xian Airport
Yeah...our flight to Guangzhou is now boarding!
The plane for our flight to Guangzhou
China Southern Airlines
Buckled up and ready for take off!
The smile we've come to love so much!
Harmony treating us to a violin concert
Children in our travel group playing Ring Around the Rosies in the hotel lobby