Update-February 28th-Tummy troubles

There has not been any changes in Brea's condition as far as heart function.  She remains stable but critical.  Her feeds have been stopped as of this afternoon because she is having some tummy troubles.  Thanks to X-ray machines, brave nurses and glycerin supositories Brea is now resting comfortably.  :0)

Brea had a CT scan as part of her work up for the transplant and no brain bleeds were found! Thank you Lord!!! I asked why this was being done and they said that it is common in very ill children to have brain bleeds. We are celebrating each and every piece of good news and this is no exception. Many of her blood tests have also come back and they are all negative which means so far she is a good candidate for a transplant! Last weekend a little boy was airlifted here from Louisiana who needed a heart. He was listed and within 12 hours was matched with a heart donor. He received his new heart on Sunday and is doing well. He is already off the ventilator and talking! His mother and I have met and talked and I must say that she looked like the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders when she told me about her sons new heart.

Brea is still heavily sedated but has moments when she wakes up and is pretty alert for 10 or 15 minutes. They always give her a shot of something extra when she starts rolling over to her side and trys to pull herself up to sit. Shocked The nurses and doctors are all amazed at how strong willed she is and I just laugh because I know that she is ready to get up and play! I showed her a picture of herself yesterday and she reached for it and pulled it to her little face and kissed it. I've been reading to her and she was able to point to the eye on a bunny in her book yesterday when I asked her where the eye was. I hung a little brightly colored lion in her crib to give her something to look at when she wakes up and she has been reaching up and playing with its crinkly paws and silky mane.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. Please continue to pray and spread the word that Brea needs prayer. The doctors and nurses can do all that medicine and science wil allow them to do but I know that the true physician is our Father in Heaven and it is a great comfort to know that He loves her more than even I do. My faith is in him and I believe in miracles and the power of prayer!

Good night from the land of troubled tummies!  :0)